Lemme check if I meet at least the minimum requirements of the challenge:
1). [_/] Menu menu and a way to return to the main menu
2). [_/] Tower defense game play mechanics
* PLAY IT! It's contains the basic element of TD game style
3). [_/] Score system
* Done - Scoring via energon points due to game style.
4). [_/] Game over screen
* Done - Mission Failed with audio
5). [_/] Winner screen
* Done - Congratulation with audio.
6). [/] Audio: 1 music track and/or sound effects (firing, enemies being hit, etc)
* Done all : Music Background+ambient [/]firing [/]enemies being hit [/] etc.
7). [/] Game may be in 2D or 3D
* Done in 3D : using MonoGame framework + ZGDK-MG engine
A). [/] At least 1 map/level
* Done at least 1 level map
B). [_/] 20 Different waves
* Done - although it on shows 10 Waves each wave consist of multiple waves.
more or less it consist of 20 enemy waves.
C). [_/] Waves can be same sprites or mix of sprites
D). [_/] Waves need to differ in some way - speed, health, abilities, different enemies, etc
* Done - So far I only have 3 enemy ships and each ship has it's own specifications
E). [_/] Must have a Boss wave to end the level
* Done - Enemy mothership will fight at the end of the level
F). [_/] Point system awards per enemy killed and wave completed
* Done - Energon points are rewarded when kills an enemy, points
received differs on each enemy class.
G). [_/] Player/base health reduced for each enemy that reaches the end of the path
* Done - Due to game style enemy must be destoy before it destoyed mothership.
H). [_/] 5 or more possible towers to build with the possibility to upgrade each tower
* Done - Miner and Post Turret has different upgrade type and has upgrade status ^_^Y
I). [_/] Towers can be built anywhere outside the moving path
J). [_/] Must be a way to prevent player from blocking the maze
* Done - due to game style each ship must be put on grid
and each ship has it's own AI in free space.
Well, that's pretty much it ^ _^ Y
Download alpha prototype : DOWNLOAD PAGE
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